What are the Different Types of Chlorophyll Supplements?

The craze for chlorophyll supplements is on the rise. Thanks to social media like Instagram and TikTok. 

Chlorophyll supplements are available in various forms like powder, liquid chlorophyll, and tablets. Which one should you choose? And in what way does chlorophyll benefit? Is it good to consume this newly popular chemical? 

In this blog, we will dive deep to answer all your questions. By the end of this article, you will have a very clear idea as to whether chlorophyll supplements are good for you and in what way you should consume them. 

Let’s get started. 

What are Chlorophyll Supplements and Why are They in the News? 

Chlorophyll is the chemical compound that is present in plants, specifically, the leaves. Chlorophyll makes the colour of the leaves green. It helps the plant to extract energy from sunlight and make food for them. 

There is a water-soluble form of chlorophyll, called chlorophyllin. This chlorophyllin is what is packaged into several forms like tablet, liquid extracts and powder form. 

And there are different ways in which each of these chlorophyll benefits. We will discuss them shortly but the basic composition remains the same, they are all chlorophyllin. 

The chlorophyll supplements have an earthy taste. You will not like it at first, but you will not hate it either. Furthermore, If you have already tried green tea, you will quickly get accustomed to chlorophyll. 

How Should You Take It? 

As mentioned earlier, chlorophyll supplements come in various forms. We will discuss each of them in some detail. 

  • Pure veggies 

What can be a better way to take chlorophyll benefits than from the very plants that produce it. But there are two downsides to this. Firstly, chlorophyll is a fragile molecule. So when you cook the veggies the chlorophyll structure gets denatured. Secondly, the amount of chlorophyll present in plants is less as compared to what you can get from supplements. so to get equivalent about of chlorophyll benefits from veggies you did to take a lot of vegetables which also adds to the carbohydrate factor

  • Chlorophyll powder

Chlorophyll powder is available in various forms like tablets or capsules which you can either crush or eat as a whole. Other forms of chlorophyll powder are dedicated powders and mixed powders. Dedicated powders are those which only contain chlorophyll powder which you can either mix in water or have a good drink. The case is a bit different in the case of mixed powder. In mixed powders, you get additional plant nutrients which add some special taste to the drink and make it nutritious. 

  • Chlorophyll Drops

These are very concentrated chlorophyll preparations. It is a suspension of chlorophyllin in essential oil or water. This carrier liquid varies from company to company. 

  • Chlorophyll Water

This is created by adding some chlorophyll or chlorophyllin drops to a full glass of water. You can also add some chlorophyll drops to your morning smoothie. This can make for a great start to your morning. 

  • Algae

Not just plants you can also find chlorophyll in Algae that bloom in ponds and other stagnant water. you must have seen these things like supplements, selling under the name of Spirulina or Chlorella. They are rich in a lot of nutrients including chlorophyll. 

Which One is Best and What You Should Consume? 

To be frank, all of them are fine to go with. The chlorophyll benefits do not vary as such. All you need to keep in mind is that you don’t end up consuming chlorophyll drops that contain inedible oils. It’s also recommended that you avoid those forms that contain added preservatives. 

Now the next question that must be knocking in your head is 

Why is it useful?

Several chlorophyll benefits come with supplements. But, before we dive into those benefits, it’s helpful to know its mechanism of action.

Chlorophyll is an antioxidant. It acts as a free radical scavenger in your system. In doing so, it protects the body from any kind of degenerative changes.

So, what are the benefits that chlorophyll has?

  • It Supports Weight Loss 

Chlorophyll does so, by keeping the appetite in check. By decreasing the appetite, it increases the feeling of fullness. Chlorophyll regulates your hunger hormones throughout the day so that you eat less.

  • Helps the Body Eliminate Toxins

This is primarily due to the antioxidant property. Moreover, it increases bowel movements and hence, cleanses your system. 

  • It has an Anti-inflammatory Effect.

This means that if you have any gastrointestinal problems like bloating, it can help you out with that. Again, don’t expect it to show action in a week,  you at least need to give it 3 weeks to perform. It is one of the best ways in which chlorophyll benefits an upset stomach. 

  • It’s a Natural Antiseptic

What it means is that it kills all the bad bacteria in your gut. We know that bacterias exist everywhere and your gut is no exception.  chlorophyll specifically has a property to destroy the bad ones and give you better gut health and hence better mood.

  • Promote Alkalisation of Your Body

This is the reason why you should take chlorophyll in the morning. While you are asleep, your body turns acidic. Thus, chlorophyll helps to bring the pH up and deal with the acidity of the last night. 


Wrapping up, we have discussed the various forms in which chlorophyll is available and how you should consume it depending on your preference. The results of a daily habit take time to show up, and drinking chlorophyll is no exception. Give it a shot and you will see amazing results in less than a month. 

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